Girls Cheer Tumbling

Girls 8 – 16 | 8-Week Session, 1 Hour/Week

Our newly developed cheer tumbling program focuses on gymnastics tumbling progressions for cheer applications— everything you need to stand out amongst the squad! Beginning* and advanced students alike are individually challenged while learning how to perform skills safely before progressing toward higher level tumbling and will also work on cheer stunting *Three to four age-specific, novice skills are required for participation in this program and are listed below.

Girls Ages 8 to 12 fundamentals required: Forward roll, cartwheel, handstand

Girls Ages 13 to 16 fundamentals required: Carwheel, handstand, bridge kickover, roundoff

(8:1 student:coach ratio)

$295 per session (8 Consecutive Weeks)
(25% sibling discount only available to siblings both enrolled in concurrent session. Make-ups and prorating not available)

Please call our front office for upcoming session details and reservations: (714) 895-2909